- Production Time: 1-2 days
- Ink Color: black, blue, or red
- Lifetime: approx 6,000 impressions
- Re-inkable: YES, use only Trodat replacement ink cartridge 6/4913, or any water-based stamp pad ink
- The Original Printy 4.0 is climate-neutral as standard.
- Two special grip zones allow a cartridge exchange without touching the ink reservoir—for guaranteed clean fingers.
- The Original Printy 4.0’s crystal-clear positioning window also enables accurately placed imprints. The transparent bottom edges allow for precise alignment.
We are closed Friday March 28th through Sunday March 30th for inventory.
Your can browse the website but orders cannot be placed at this time.
The website will re-open for orders first thing Monday AM.
(Nova Scotia) Commissioner for Oaths Stamp
Free Shipping over $40.00; no handling charges. Most orders ship the next business day.A Nova Scotia Commissioner for Oaths must write or stamp below their signature on every affidavit, declaration or other document made before the person. A standard (Nova Scotia) Commissioner for Oaths Trodat Printy self-inking stamp, personalized with your name and expiry date.
- Trodat Printy 4913 self-inking stamp
- Size Imprint Size 22 x 57 mm (3/4 x 2 1/2 inch)