- Production Time: 1-2 days
- Ink Color: black, blue, or red
- Lifetime: approx 6,000 impressions
- Re-inkable: YES, use only Trodat replacement ink cartridge 6/4912, or any water-based stamp pad ink
- The Original Printy 4.0 is climate-neutral. As standard.
- Two special grip zones allow a cartridge to be exchanged without touching the ink reservoir—for guaranteed clean fingers.
- The Original Printy 4.0’s crystal-clear positioning window also enables accurately placed imprints. The transparent bottom edges allow for precise alignment.
3 Line Cheque Endorsement Deposit Stamp
Free Shipping over $40.00; no handling charges. Most orders ship the next business day.Customize your stamp by editing the text in the boxes below.
Note: If your text is not visible in the image shown, it will not be included on the stamp.
Note: If your text is not visible in the image shown, it will not be included on the stamp.
AlegreyaArialArial NarrowBrush ScriptCourgetteGeorgiaTimes New Roman
AlegreyaArialArial NarrowBrush ScriptCourgetteGeorgiaTimes New Roman
The Trodat Printy 4912 self-inking Custom 3 line small deposit stamp is perfect for making bank deposits fast and efficient. Using a deposit-only stamp eliminates the chance of errors.
- Trodat Printy 4912 self-inking stamp
- Stamp Size 18 x 47 mm (3/4 x 1 7/8 inch)