Notary Public Embossing Seals & Seal Stamps
Notary Public embossing seals and Notary Public seal stamps for all Canadian Notaries and Lawyers. Notary Public embossers are available in four distinct embosser press styles.
- The Ideal-Trodat Pocket/Desk Seal is a lightweight aluminum, compact design, leather carrying case and can be used as either a desk or handheld embosser.
- The Shiny EZ-ED Desk Seal, solid cast metal, is durable and easy to use, 30% mechanical advantage achieved by the patented ratching mechanism
- The Shiny EZ-EM “Pocket” Seal, solid cast metal, durable, comes with a hard plastic carrying case, 30% mechanical advantage achieved by the patented ratching mechanism.
- The Long Reach Desk Seal, solid cast metal, larger die plate, longer reach, the standard in notary seal presses for decades.
In addition, we offer seal stamps in either; traditional or self-inking for when you need to scan or fax a document and need the seal to be visible. We also offer a digital version of your imprint to copy and paste into your digital documents. When ordering, make sure to order the same layout for both your stamp and your embosser to make sure both will validate with your local issuing authority.
Seven layout options are available, and specific layouts for Barristers, Solicitors and Ontario Paralegals authorized as Notary Publics are available. These layouts follow Provincial guidelines and are available for all Canadian Provinces and Territories.
Free shipping on all embosser orders anywhere in Canada. Order Today – Ships Tomorrow.
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