Trodat Printy 4915 Self-Inking Signature Stamp – for large, long signatures
- Approximate Imprint Size 64 x 25 or 70 x 25 mm
- Production Time: 1-2 days
- Ink Color: black, blue, or red
- Lifetime: approx 6,000 impressions
- Re-inkable: YES, use only Trodat replacement ink cartridge 6/4915 or 6/4914, or any water-based stamp pad ink
- The Original Printy 4.0 is climate-neutral as standard.
- Two special grip zones allow a cartridge exchange without touching the ink reservoir—for guaranteed clean fingers.
- The Original Printy 4.0’s crystal-clear positioning window also enables accurately placed imprints. The transparent bottom edges allow for precise alignment.